Recently I’ve been getting a lot of emails about the safety of using Red Yeast Rice, which is one of the ingredients in our best selling, cholesterol lowering supplement
This is because Consumer Reports came out with the 15 Supplement Ingredients to Always Avoid list and Red Yeast Rice was one of the 15 ingredients on the list.
Vague, Wrong & Inaccurate
Unfortunately, the information is vague, wrong and inaccurate. They stated risks as:
“Kidney and muscle problems, liver problems, hair loss; can magnify effect of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, increasing the risk of side effects”
Of course, they never state HOW or WHY Red Yeast Rice could cause this.
However, what they have done is inaccurately listed “statin” drug side-effects!…
Are The REAL Problem
One of the most prescribed drugs in the world for almost 2 decades, are cholesterol lowering statin s drugs. The most popular ones being Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor and similar ones.
Doctors used to (and still do) say how these drugs are “so amazing and healthy” for you. And the minute anyone had even slightly elevated cholesterol levels, doctors are quick to prescribe these powerful (and harmful) drugs.
However, in the past few years the truth has come out… That statin drugs are very toxic and have numerous side-effects — such as memory loss, muscle pain, liver damage, diabetes, high blood pressure and more.
I’m VERY familiar with this topic because this is exactly what I had to deal withmy own parents back in 1998, when they were prescribed these horrible “statins” and why I HAD to find natural alternatives to these toxic drugs.
Red Yeast Rice & Statins
So what does all of this have to do with Red Yeast Rice?…
This is because Red Yeast Rice (a regular diet staple in Asia) naturally contains low levels of monacolin K, which is chemically similar to the active ingredient in the cholesterol-lowering statin drug lovastatin.4
And because of this, Consumer Reports automatically and incorrectly ASSUMESthat Red Yeast Rice is the “same” as statin drugs and thus, will have the same negative side-effects of statin drugs.
Not only is this wrong, but it’s illegal in the US because…
FDA Won’t Allow This
In 2008, the FDA determined that red yeast rice products that contain more than trace amounts of monacolin K are considered as an “unapproved new drug” and cannot be sold legally as dietary supplements.4
… And this was done primarily because the pharmaceutical companies didn’t want a natural ingredient to competed with their harmful drugs.
Whatever Red Yeast Rice product you purchase these days in America, legally cannot have any monacolin K, which is similar to the statin, lovastatin… and thus, Red Yeast Rice can’t cause any of the statin side-effects that Consumer Reports mentioned!
Make sense?… Red yeast rice can’t cause any statin side-effects, if it doesn’t contain any “statin” in it.
However, Red yeast rice still has numerous health and cholesterol-lowering benefits that is NOT related to monacolin K or lovastatin, and without any negative side-effects.
Potential Problems Of Red Yeast Rice…
So Consumer Reports was all wrong about Red Yeast Rice’s negative side-effects.
However, there are 2 real problems you need to look for when purchasing Red Yeast Rice:
Problem 1: Citrinin
Some red yeast rice products contain a contaminant called citrinin, which can cause kidney failure.4
So when purchasing any product containing Red Yeast Rice, make sure the citrinin is removed
Problem 2: Don’t Use It By Itself
You never want to use Red Yeast Rice by itself because you’d have to use a very high dosage of it for it to work and be effective.
Unfortunately, the higher dosages quickly cause your body to adapts to the compound.
Over time, you’ll need to keep increasing your dosage to see the positive effects and the higher the dose of ANY ingredient (natural or chemical), the more potential for side-effects.
“So, What’s YOUR Best & Safest Solution?…”
Think about it. Just like you don’t eat only broccoli for best health, you don’t want to use only one herb or nutrient either.
The best products use red yeast rice, in conjunction with other key ingredients, at specific dosages to help create healthy cholesterol levels, HDL/LDL ratios and triglycerides.
This way, all of your lipid levels are in a healthy range, without your body adapting to any single nutrient and without any negative side-effects.